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Troubleshooting For Developers
Under construction - please check back regularly for more!
The Obligatory Disclaimer :
All code, utilities and information within the XTreme Computing web site are provided "as is" with no guarantee it will be fit or modifiable for a particular purpose. No support by XTreme Computing for said code and information is implied or granted. Use of any material within is at your own discretion and risk.
This section of our web site is dedicated to helping you resolve those inevitable glitches that occur when using VB, and for that matter computers in general, so you can get back to what you do best - developing.
V-BeGone is a fine utility created by a friend of ours,
Dave McNeill...
Sometimes in the course of troubleshooting VB problems it's necessary to rename or delete the OCX files VB installs and any corresponding OCA files. Trouble is, you may have controls installed that did not come with VB, so you either must rename them all and deal with the consequences, or go painstakingly through the list of controls VB installed and deal with those one by one. V-BeGone does that for you! You really should be sure to read the V-BeGone readme before running the program. It is quite comprehensive. Really.
V-BeGone is an unsupported utility to be used at your own risk, but feel free to write if you would like to provide feedback.
Please note:
Microsoft has expressed concern that the use of V-BeGone causes problems, but has declined to provide any specifics. No problems have been reported by users of
V-BeGone. If you HAVE run into any problems with it, please e-mail with details.
If you have NO problems with V-BeGone it would also be great to hear that.
Again, use of V-BeGone is at your own risk.
I don't have VBRUN300, download the whole package.
I already have VBRUN300, give me thesmaller download.
Have you ever had an inexplicable problem with a VB project? Your code is fine. Maybe
there's no history of anyone else ever seeing the same problem. Sometimes corruption is to blame in those weird cases. This is a document on how to troubleshoot suspected corruption. Use at your own risk, but many people have found the advice extremely helpful. |
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